Library of useful data structures and algorithms
grafalgo::Util Class Reference

This class contains miscellaneous utility methods. More...

#include <Util.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool skipSpace (istream &in, bool=false)
 Skip over space characters in input stream.
static bool skipBlank (istream &in)
 Advance to the first non-blank character, skipping over comments.
static bool readWord (istream &, string &, bool=false)
 Read next word from input stream.
static bool readInt (istream &, int &, bool=false)
 Read an integer from the input stream.
static bool verify (istream &, char c, bool=false)
 Verify the next non-space input character.
static bool prefix (string &, string &)
 Test if one string is a prefix of another.
static int strnlen (char *, int)
 Replacement for the missing strnlen function.
static void genPerm (int, int *)
 Create random permutation on integers 1..n and return in p.
static uint32_t getTime ()
 Return time expressed as a free-running microsecond clock.
static void warning (const string &)
static void fatal (const string &)
static double randfrac ()
 Generate a random fraction.
static int randint (int, int)
 Generate a random integer in a range.
static double randexp (double)
static int randgeo (double)
 Return a random number from a geometric distribution.
static int randTruncGeo (double, int)
 Return a random number from a truncated geometric distribution with mean 1/p and maximum value k.
static double randpar (double, double)
 Return a random number from a Pareto distribution with mean mu and shape s.

Static Public Attributes

static const int32_t BIGINT32 = 0x7ffffff

Detailed Description

This class contains miscellaneous utility methods.

Definition at line 20 of file Util.h.

Member Function Documentation

uint32_t grafalgo::Util::getTime ( ) [static]

Return time expressed as a free-running microsecond clock.

Uses the gettimeofday system call, but converts result to simple microsecond clock for greater convenience.

Definition at line 138 of file Util.cpp.

bool grafalgo::Util::prefix ( string &  s1,
string &  s2 
) [static]

Test if one string is a prefix of another.

s1is a reference to a string
s2is a reference to another string
true if s1 is a non-empty prefix of s2, else false.

Definition at line 110 of file Util.cpp.

double grafalgo::Util::randfrac ( ) [inline, static]

Generate a random fraction.

a double in [0,1]

Definition at line 63 of file Util.h.

int grafalgo::Util::randgeo ( double  p) [inline, static]

Return a random number from a geometric distribution.

pis success probability (so 1/p is mean)
a random value from the distribution

Definition at line 82 of file Util.h.

int grafalgo::Util::randint ( int  lo,
int  hi 
) [inline, static]

Generate a random integer in a range.

lois the low end of the range
hiis the high end of the range
a random integer in [lo,hi]; the distribution is not very uniform for ranges larger than 10^7

Definition at line 71 of file Util.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool grafalgo::Util::readInt ( istream &  in,
int &  i,
bool  sameline = false 
) [static]

Read an integer from the input stream.

inis an open input stream
iis an int in which result is returned
samelineis an optional argument; if it is true, do not scan past the end of the line; default is false
true on success, else false

Definition at line 75 of file Util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool grafalgo::Util::readWord ( istream &  in,
string &  s,
bool  sameline = false 
) [static]

Read next word from input stream.

A word is a non-blank string starting with an alpha and including alphas, digits, forward slashes and underscores.

inis an open input stream
sis a string in which result is returned
samelineis an optional argument; if it is true, do not scan past the end of the line; default is false
true on success, else false

Definition at line 55 of file Util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool grafalgo::Util::skipBlank ( istream &  in) [static]

Advance to the first non-blank character, skipping over comments.

Leave the non-blank character in the input stream. A comment is anything that starts with the sharp sign '#' and continues to the end of the line. Return false on error or eof.

Definition at line 34 of file Util.cpp.

bool grafalgo::Util::skipSpace ( istream &  in,
bool  sameline = false 
) [static]

Skip over space characters in input stream.

inis an open input stream
samelineis an optional argument; if it is true, do not skip past the end of the line; the default is false
true if we find a non-space character before eof or error, else false

Definition at line 20 of file Util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool grafalgo::Util::verify ( istream &  in,
char  c,
bool  strict = false 
) [static]

Verify the next non-space input character.

inis an open input stream
cis the expected next non-blank character
strictis an optional flag; if true, then we don't skip over space characters; default is false
true if c is present in the input, else false; if c is found, it is read and discarded, otherwise the character checked is left in the input stream

Definition at line 96 of file Util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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