Library of useful data structures and algorithms
Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 #include "Util.h"
00011 namespace grafalgo {
00020 bool Util::skipSpace(istream& in, bool sameline) {
00021         while (true) {
00022                 char c = in.get();
00023                 if (!in.good()) return false;
00024                 if (sameline && c == '\n') { in.unget(); return false; }
00025                 if (!isspace(c)) { in.unget(); return true; }
00026         }
00027 }
00034 bool Util::skipBlank(istream& in) {
00035         char c; bool com;
00036         com = false;
00037         while (1) {
00038                 in.get(c); if (!in.good()) return false;
00039                 if (c ==  '#') {com =  true; continue; }
00040                 if (c == '\n') {com = false; continue; }
00041                 if (com || isspace(c)) continue;
00042                 in.unget(); return true;
00043         }
00044 }
00055 bool Util::readWord(istream& in, string& s, bool sameline) {
00056         s = "";
00057         skipSpace(in,sameline);
00058         char c = in.peek();
00059         if (!in.good() || !isalpha(c)) return false;
00060         while (1) {
00061                 c = in.get();
00062                 if (!in.good()) return false;
00063                 if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '_' || c == '/') s += c;
00064                 else { in.unget(); return true; }
00065         }
00066 }
00075 bool Util::readInt(istream& in, int& i, bool sameline) {
00076         if (skipSpace(in,sameline)) {
00077                 char c = in.get();
00078                 if (in.good() && (isdigit(c) || c != '-')) {
00079                         in.unget();
00080                         in >> i;
00081                         if (in.good()) return true;
00082                 }
00083         }
00084         return false;
00085 }
00096 bool Util::verify(istream& in, char c, bool strict) {
00097         skipSpace(in);
00098         char c1 = in.get();
00099         if (!in.good()) return false;
00100         if (c == c1) return true;
00101         in.unget();
00102         return false;
00103 }
00110 bool Util::prefix(string& s1, string& s2) {
00111         return s1.length() > 0 && s2.find(s1) == 0;
00112 }
00116 int Util::strnlen(char* s, int n) {
00117         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
00118                 if (*s++ == '\0') return i;
00119         return n;
00120 }
00124 void Util::genPerm(int n, int p[]) {
00125         int i, j, k;
00126         for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) p[i] = i;
00127         for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
00128                 j = randint(i,n);
00129                 k = p[i]; p[i] = p[j]; p[j] = k;
00130         }
00131 }
00138 uint32_t Util::getTime() {
00139         // note use of static variables
00140         static uint32_t now;
00141         static struct timeval prevTimeval = { 0, 0 };
00143         if (prevTimeval.tv_sec == 0 && prevTimeval.tv_usec == 0) {
00144                 // first call to getTime(); initialize and return 0
00145                 if (gettimeofday(&prevTimeval, NULL) < 0)
00146                         fatal("Util::getTime: gettimeofday failure");
00147                 now = 0;
00148                 return 0;
00149         }
00150         // normal case
00151         struct timeval nowTimeval;
00152         if (gettimeofday(&nowTimeval, NULL) < 0)
00153                 fatal("Util::getTime: gettimeofday failure");
00154         uint32_t dsec = nowTimeval.tv_sec; dsec -= prevTimeval.tv_sec;
00155         uint32_t dusec = nowTimeval.tv_usec - prevTimeval.tv_usec;
00156         if (nowTimeval.tv_usec < prevTimeval.tv_usec) {
00157                 dusec = nowTimeval.tv_usec + (1000000 - prevTimeval.tv_usec);
00158                 dsec--;
00159         }
00160         now += 1000000*dsec + dusec;
00161         prevTimeval = nowTimeval;
00163         return now;
00164 }
00166 } // ends namespace
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