Library of useful data structures and algorithms
grafalgo::HeapSet Class Reference

This class implements a collection of heaps. More...

#include <HeapSet.h>

Inheritance diagram for grafalgo::HeapSet:
Collaboration diagram for grafalgo::HeapSet:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 HeapSet (int, int)
void clear ()
void resize (int)
void expand (int)
void copyFrom (const List &)
index findMin (int) const
uint64_t getKey (index) const
int heapSize (int) const
bool empty (int)
bool insert (index, uint64_t, int)
index deleteMin (int)
void changeKeyMin (uint64_t, int)
string & toString (int, string &) const

Private Member Functions

index nodeMinPos (int) const
 position of smallest item in node
void siftup (index, int)
 move item up to restore heap order
void siftdown (index, int)
 move down to restore heap order

Private Attributes

int maxHeap
 max number of heaps
index * heaps
 holds all items
uint64_t * key
 key[i] is key of item i
int * root
 root[h] is position of heap h root
int * bot
 bot[h] is position of "bottom" node
int * hSize
 hSize[h] is # of items in heap h
int * child
 child[p] points to first child of p
int * parent
 parent[p/D] points to parent of p
int * pred
 pred[p/D] is predecessor of p
int free
 start of free node list

Static Private Attributes

static const int d = 8
 base of heap

Detailed Description

This class implements a collection of heaps.

Items to be stored in the heap are identified by integers in 1..N, where N is a parameter specified in the constructor. Heaps are identified by integers in 1..M where M is another parameter to the constructor. Each item may be stored in at most one heap. Keys are 64 bit unsigned ints.

Heaps are implemented using a variant of the d-heap.

Definition at line 27 of file HeapSet.h.

Member Function Documentation

void grafalgo::DiffHeap::siftup ( index  ,
) [private]

move item up to restore heap order

Perform siftup operation to restore heap order.

This is a private helper function.

iis the index of an item to be positioned in the heap
kiis the key of i
xis a tentative position for i in the heap
kpxis the key of the parent of the item at position x

tricky to get this right - maybe try letting dkey(x) become negative, then adjusting heap until all are non-negative

Definition at line 130 of file DiffHeap.cpp.

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