Library of useful data structures and algorithms
fastEdmonds Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for fastEdmonds:

List of all members.


struct  BridgePair

Public Member Functions

 fastEdmonds (Graph &, Dlist &, int &)
string & statString (bool, string &)
 Create string containing statistics.

Private Types

enum  stype { unreached, odd, even }

Private Member Functions

vertex nca (vertex, vertex)
edge path (vertex, vertex)
void augment (edge)
edge findpath ()

Private Attributes

 graph we're finding matching for
 matching we're building
 partition of the vertices into blossoms
 reversible list used to construct path
vertex * origin
 origin[u] is the original vertex corresponding to a blossom
 for innermost blossom containing u bridge[u].v identifies the endpoint of the edge that is u's descendant
stype * state
 state used in computation path search
edge * mEdge
 mEdge[u] is matching edge incident to u
edge * pEdge
 p[u] is parent of u in forest
bool * mark
 used in nearest common ancestor computation
int searchNum
 number of current path search
int * latestSearch
 latestSearch[u] == searchNum <=> u is reached
edge * nextEdge
 nextEdge[u] is next edge to search at u
 list of vertices used by findpath
 list of unmatched vertices
int iSize
int mSize
int stepCount
int blossomCount
int imatchTime
int rmatchTime
int pathInitTime
int pathFindTime

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file fastEdmonds.h.

Member Function Documentation

string & fastEdmonds::statString ( bool  verbose,
string &  s 

Create string containing statistics.

verboseif true, return fully labeled string; otherwise returned string contains just the values
sis reference to string in which result is returned

Definition at line 278 of file fastEdmonds.cpp.

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