Library of useful data structures and algorithms
Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 #include "stdinc.h"
00010 #include "Wgraph.h"
00012 namespace grafalgo {
00018 Wgraph::Wgraph(int numv, int maxe) : Graph(numv,maxe) {
00019         makeSpace(numv, maxe);
00020 }
00023 Wgraph::~Wgraph() { freeSpace(); }
00029 void Wgraph::makeSpace(int numv, int maxe) {
00030         try {
00031                 wt = new int[maxe+1];
00032         } catch (std::bad_alloc e) {
00033                 stringstream ss;
00034                 ss << "Wgraph::makeSpace: insufficient space for "
00035                    << maxe << " edge weights";
00036                 string s = ss.str();
00037                 throw OutOfSpaceException(s);
00038         }
00039 }
00042 void Wgraph::freeSpace() { delete [] wt; }
00049 void Wgraph::resize(int numv, int maxe) {
00050         freeSpace();
00051         Graph::resize(numv,maxe);
00052         try { makeSpace(numv,maxe); } catch(OutOfSpaceException e) {
00053                 string s; s = "Wgraph::resize:" + e.toString(s);
00054                 throw OutOfSpaceException(s);
00055         }
00056 }
00062 void Wgraph::expand(int numv, int maxe) {
00063         if (numv <= n() && maxe <= maxEdge) return;
00064         Wgraph old(this->n(),this->maxEdge); old.copyFrom(*this);
00065         resize(numv,maxe); this->copyFrom(old);
00066 }
00069 void Wgraph::copyFrom(const Wgraph& source) {
00070         if (&source == this) return;
00071         if (source.n() > n() || source.m() > maxEdge)
00072                 resize(source.n(),source.m());
00073         else clear();
00074         for (edge e = source.first(); e != 0; e = {
00075                 edge ee = join(source.left(e),source.right(e));
00076                 setWeight(ee,source.weight(e));
00077         }
00078         sortAdjLists();
00079 }
00085 bool Wgraph::readAdjList(istream& in) {
00086         if (!Util::verify(in,'[')) return 0;
00087         vertex u;
00088         if (!Adt::readItem(in,u)) return 0;
00089         if (u > n()) expand(u,m());
00090         if (!Util::verify(in,':')) return 0;
00091         while (in.good() && !Util::verify(in,']')) {
00092                 vertex v;
00093                 if (!Adt::readItem(in,v)) return 0;
00094                 if (v > n()) expand(v,m());
00095                 if (m() >= maxEdge) expand(n(),max(1,2*m()));
00096                 int w;
00097                 if (!Util::verify(in,'(') || !Util::readInt(in,w) ||
00098                     !Util::verify(in,')'))
00099                         return 0;
00100                 if (u < v) { edge e = join(u,v); setWeight(e,w); }
00101         }
00102         return in.good();
00103 }
00111 string& Wgraph::edge2string(edge e, vertex u, string& s) const {
00112         stringstream ss;
00113         vertex v = mate(u,e);
00114         ss << "(" << item2string(u,s);
00115         ss << "," << item2string(v,s) << "," << weight(e) << ")";
00116         s = ss.str();
00117         return s;
00118 }
00125 string& Wgraph::adjList2string(vertex u, string& s) const {
00126         stringstream ss; s = "";
00127         if (firstAt(u) == 0) return s;
00128         int cnt = 0;
00129         ss << "[" << Adt::item2string(u,s) << ":";
00130         for (edge e = firstAt(u); e != 0; e = nextAt(u,e)) {
00131                 vertex v = mate(u,e);
00132                 ss <<  " " << item2string(v,s) << "(" << weight(e) << ")";
00133                 if (++cnt >= 15 && nextAt(u,e) != 0) {
00134                         ss <<  "\n"; cnt = 0;
00135                 }
00136         }
00137         ss <<  "]\n";
00138         s = ss.str();
00139         return s;
00140 }
00146 void Wgraph::randWeight(int lo, int hi) {
00147         for (edge e = first(); e != 0; e = next(e))
00148                 setWeight(e,Util::randint(lo,hi));
00149 }
00160 string& Wgraph::toDotString(string& s) const {
00161         stringstream ss;
00162         ss << "graph G { " << endl;
00163         int cnt = 0;
00164         for (edge e = first(); e != 0; e = next(e)) {
00165                 vertex u = min(left(e),right(e));
00166                 vertex v = max(left(e),right(e));
00167                 ss << Adt::item2string(u,s) << " -- ";
00168                 ss << Adt::item2string(v,s);
00169                 ss << " [label = \" " << weight(e) << " \"] ; "; 
00170                 if (++cnt == 10) { s += "\n"; cnt = 0; }
00171         }
00172         ss << "}\n" << endl;
00173         s = ss.str();
00174         return s;
00175 }
00177 } // ends namespace
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