Library of useful data structures and algorithms
00001 // Header file for class that implements Edmond's algorithm for
00002 // finding a maximum size matching in a general graph. To use,
00003 // invoke the constructor.
00005 #ifndef EDMONDS_H
00006 #define EDMONDS_H
00008 #include "stdinc.h"
00009 #include "Graph.h"
00010 #include "List.h"
00011 #include "Dlist.h"
00012 #include "RlistSet.h"
00013 #include "Partition.h"
00015 using namespace grafalgo;
00017 class edmonds {
00018 public: edmonds(Graph&,Dlist&,int&);
00019         string& statString(bool, string&);
00020 private:
00021         Graph* graf;            // graph we're finding matching for
00022         Dlist* match;           // matching we're building
00023         Partition *blossoms;    // partition of the vertices into blossoms
00024         RlistSet* augpath;      // reversible list used to construct path
00025         vertex* origin;         // origin[u] is the original vertex
00026                                 // corresponding to a blossom
00027         struct BridgePair {     // for an odd vertex u inside a blossom,
00028         edge e; vertex v;       // bridge[u].e is the edge that caused the
00029         };
00030         BridgePair *bridge;     // formation of the innermost blossom containg u
00031                                 // bridge[u].v identifies the endpoint of the
00032                                 // edge that is u's descendant
00033         enum stype {unreached, odd, even};
00034         stype *state;           // state used in computation path search
00035         edge* mEdge;            // mEdge[u] is matching edge incident to u
00036         edge* pEdge;            // p[u] is parent of u in forest
00037         bool* mark;             // used in nearest common ancestor computation
00039         int iSize, mSize, stepCount, blossomCount;
00040         int imatchTime, rmatchTime, pathInitTime, pathFindTime;
00042         vertex nca(vertex,vertex); // return nearest-common ancestor
00043         edge path(vertex,vertex); // construct augmenting path
00044         void augment(edge);     // augment the matching
00045         edge findpath();        // find an altmenting path
00046 };
00048 #endif
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